English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・for intended to be given to or used by someone or something ~ために ~タメニ için イチェィン
・every used to show that something is repeated regularly ~ごとに、毎~ ~ゴトニ、マイ~ her ヘル
・time a particular point in the day or night;Time is what we measure in minutes, hours, days, etc. 時、時間 トキ、ジカン zaman ザマン
・always every time, or at all times いつも イツモ her zaman ヘル ザマン
・ample large;enough, or more than enough 大きい、十二分の オオキイ、ジュウニブンノ büyük ビュユク