English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・now at the present time; immediately イマ şimdi シュィムディ
・restore to give something back to the person it was stolen from or who lost it ~を元の状態に戻す、~を回復する ~ヲモトノジョウタイニモドス、~ヲカイフクスル geri vermek ゲリ ヴェルメク
・crush to press something so hard that it is made flat or broken into pieces 砕く、踏みつぶす クダク、フミツブス ezmek エズメク
・reed a tall, stiff plant like grass that grows near water アシ kamış カムゥシュ
・break to separate into two or more pieces, or to make something separate into two or more pieces 折る、壊す、割る オル、コワス、ワル kırmak クゥルマク