English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・offer to say that you are willing to do something ~を申し出る、~を提供する ~ヲモウシデル、~ヲテイキョウスル sunmak、teklif etmek スンマク、テクリフ エトメク
・people all the people of a race;more than one person 人、 人々 ヒト、ヒトビト halk, insanlar, kişiler ハルク、インサンラル、キシュィレル
・separate(put apart) to start to live in a different place from your husband or wife because the relationship has ended; to divide into parts, or to make something divide into parts 離婚する、別居する、離れる、分かれる 離婚する、ベッキョスル、ハナレル、ワカレル ayırmak アイゥマク
・yoke something that connects two things or people, usually in a way that unfairly limits freedom: 一緒になる、くびきでつなぐ イッショニナル、クビキデツナグ birleştirmek ビィルレシュティルメク
・man used to refer to both men and women 人、人間 ヒト、ニンゲン insan インサン