English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・grand very large and special 偉大な イダイナ yüce、büyük イュジェ、ブュイュク
・the Creator the spirit who created the universe and everything in it, and who rules over it 創造者 ソウゾウシャ yaratıcı ヤラトゥジェゥ
・youth young people generally、a young man 若者、若い人々 ワカモノ、ワカイヒトビト gençlik、çocukluk ゲンチェリク、チョジュクルク
・day a period of 24 hours ヒ、ニチ gün ギュン
・days used to talk about a particular period of time when something happened or existed 時、時代 トキ、ジダイ (o) günler (オ) ギュンレル