English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・scarf a piece of cloth that you wear around your neck, head, or shoulders to keep warm or for decoration マフラー、襟巻き、スカーフ マフラー、エリマキ、スカーフ atkı アトク
・glove(s) a piece of clothing that covers your fingers and hand 手袋 テブクロ eldiven エルディヴァン
・button a small, round object that you push through a hole to fasten clothing ボタン ボタン düğme デゥユメ
・zipper a thing for fastening clothes, bags, etc consisting of two rows of very small parts that connect together ジッパー、チャック、ファスナー ジッパー、チャック、ファスナー fermuar ファルムアル
・pocket a small bag that is sewn or fixed onto or into a piece of clothing, a bag, the back of a seat, etc ポケット ポケット cep ジェップ
・belt a long, thin piece of leather, cloth, or plastic that you wear around your waist ベルト、帯 ベルト、オビ kemer ケメッシュ
・shoe(s) a strong covering for the foot, often made of leather クツ ayakkabı アヤッカブ
・boot(s) a strong shoe that covers your foot and part of your leg ブーツ、長靴 ブーツ、ナガグツ çizme チズメ
・sandal a light shoe with straps that you wear in warm weather サンダル サンダル sandalet サンダレッツ
・sock(s) something that you wear on your foot inside your shoe ソックス、靴下 ソックス、クツシタ çorap チョラップ