English | English meaning | Japanese |
Japanese in Katakana |
Turkish |
Turkish Pronunciation in Katakana |
・wine | an alcoholic drink that is made from the juice of grapes (= small, green or purple fruit), or sometimes other fruit | ワイン、ぶどう酒 | ワイン、ブドウシュ | şarap | シャラㇷ゚ |
・raki | turkish strong spirit flavoured with anise. *anise(《植物》アニス◆セリ科の香草で、夏には多くの白い花をつける。葉は食用になり、果実は香辛料として使われる。) | ラキ(トルコの酒。乳酸飲料のような乳白色をしている) | ラキ | rakı | ラク |
・water | the clear liquid that falls from the sky as rain and that is in seas, lakes, and rivers | 水 | ミズ | su | ス |
・mineral water | water that is taken from the ground and contains chemicals that are good for your health | ミネラルウォーター | ミネラルウォーター | maden suyu | マーデン スユ |
・fruit juice | the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables, such as an apple or orange that grows on a tree or a bush, contains seeds, and can be eaten as food | フルーツジュース | フルーツジュース | meyve suyu | メィヴェ スユ |
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