English English meaning Japanese


in Katakana



Pronunciation in Katakana

・cheese a food that is made from milk, is usually white or yellow, and can be either hard or soft チーズ チーズ peynir ペィニル
・olive a small green or black fruit with a bitter taste that is eaten or used to produce oil オリーブ オリーブ zeytin ゼィティン
・vegetable a plant that you eat, for example potatoes, onions, beans, etc 野菜 ヤサイ sebze セブゼ
・fruit something such as an apple or orange that grows on a tree or a bush, contains seeds, and can be eaten as food 果物、フルーツ クダモノ、フルーツ meyve メィヴェ
・ appetizers something that you eat as the first part of a meal 前菜(hors d'oeuvre)、アペタイザー ゼンサイ(hors d'oeuvre)、アペタイザー meze メゼ
・soup a hot, liquid food, made from vegetables, meat, or fish スープ スープ çorba チョㇽバ
・fry, fried food a food that is cooked in hot oil or fat 揚げ物 アゲモノ kızartma (Ref:kızartmak⇔fry [v].) クザルㇳマ
・grilled food a food that is grilled on a piece of equipment used for cooking food under strong direct heat 焼き物 ヤキモノ ızgara ウズガㇻ
・dessert sweet food that is eaten after the main part of a meal デザート デザート tatlı タㇳル
・beer an alcoholic drink made from grain, or a glass or container of this drink ビール ビール bira ビラ